Suzanne has an extensive sport, coaching, and fitness leadership background. She is a former elite mountain bike athlete and coaches rowing, cycling, & X-C skiing. She has been training 25+ years in martial arts with a 3rd degree black belt in karate & jiu jitsu. She teaches numerous classes in the community & schools and has taught extensively for the Red Deer College Department of Kinesiology. She is a lover of nature, all things outdoors, and of this beautiful planet we live on!
Suzanne has been teaching yoga & other lifestyle-enhancing classes full-time since 2007. She is an IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist and especially enjoys teaching accessible classes for older adults, youth, and persons with various health challenges (injuries, illness, mental health conditions, chronic pain, alternative learning needs, etc.) Yoga styles taught include Hatha, Restorative, Flow, Power/Ashtanga, and Mindfulness & Meditation as well as specialized classes and Teacher Training.